Have you seen the news of Angelina Jolie’s decision to get a double mastectomy procedure? I’ve got to say, I am really impressed with her for doing this after she held the gene that most likely would end up causing breast cancer. I really sympathize with her too, not an easy decision.
This news comes at an interesting time for me, because recently I’ve been discussing the BRCA1 and BRCA2 testing with my mom. She has been considering getting the test, which is covered by most insurances as long as you can prove breast cancer runs in your family.
She also thought I should get tested.
My aunt (her sister) had breast cancer twice, and unfortunately did not survive the second time. She got it early in life, well before 50. My aunt was like my second mom. We were very close, more like friends. I have so many cherished memories with her and miss her dearly.
So, since my mom and I talked, I was considering getting tested, then all this news of Angelina Jolie comes up. It is just interesting timing. I am glad it is getting publicity.
The BRCA1 test is so new to me, I am worried about a lot of things like – if it isn’t covered by insurance, false results and of course actually finding out I have the gene… then what? So much to think about if it came to that…
What do you think about the breast cancer gene test?
What do you know about the breast cancer test?
Are you considering getting tested for the breast cancer gene?